Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cimitero di San Michele

 Cimitero building on San Michele
 Cross on a monument
 Building through the trees
 Lizard that was watching me draw
Angel statue
Angel guarding the diseased
Widow statue grieving at a tomb 
 Statue on a corner in the Cimitero
Seagull that wanted my sandwich
 Great typography on a tomb
Old lion statues guarding a door

Monday, May 30, 2011

Doge's Palace - Palazzo Ducale

 Arch in San Marc's Square
 Bird camping out on Winged Lion's head outside Doge's Palace
 Cool statue killing some sort of snake in Doge's Courtyard
 Killer door inside Doge's Palace
 View of Lido di Venezia from Court Room
 Prison yard at Doge's Palace
 The last sight prisoners would see crossing the Bridge of Sigh's
 Statues watching over the Courtyard at Doge's Palace
 Statue welcoming guests into Courtyard at Doge's Palace
 This statue thought he was a badass
 This statue was jealous of the badass-ness
 Winged holy lion watching over the Courtyard at Doge's Palace
This was the view I drew my sketch today, across the Courtyard and bronze well

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Giardini Pubblici Adventure

 Statue in Giardini Pubblici
 Statue in Giardini Pubblici
 Statue in Giardini Pubblici
 Statue in Giardini Pubblici
 Road by Stadio Pierluigi Penzo
 House by Stadio Pierluigi Penzo
 Local housing by Stadio Pierluigi Penzo
 Probably the coolest door bell I have ever seen
 Viale Guiseppe Garibaldi
 Statue in Sestiere Castello
 Band rehearsal near San Stae
 Canal near San Stae
Buddhist monk wandering the back streets
My Dinner: Spaghetti con sugo di seppie e nero, spinaci al burro, e vino della casa bianca.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Accademia & Punta Della Dogana

Scuola Veneto-Bisantina Del Secolo XIV -Madonna col Bambino
Tintoretto - San Marco libera uno schiavo
Giovanni Bellini - Pieta
Giorgione - La vecchia
Marco Basaiti - Cristo morto tra due angioletti
Wheat Paste on the way to Punta Della Dogana
Santa Maria della Salute dome
Statue holding head - Santa Maria della Salute
View from Punta Della Dogana
Lion Statue on Punta Della Dogana
Canal view by Punta Della Dogana

Friday, May 27, 2011

Plazzo Delgli Angeli

My Bedroom - Camera da Letto
Staircase to Fourth Floor
Our Living Room
Doors out to our balcony
Canal out window
Canal out window
Little metal guy thing attached to the wall
Our bathroom - La Bagna
Sketchy stairs to the roof
View from the roof
Our kitchen - La Cucina