Friday, June 24, 2011

Last Days. Lido and Art.

Island off Lido di Venezia

Sweet little beach shack we found ran by this awesome Greek guy. He pretty much had his life set.

Pier off the beach

We found a little one eyed crab.

Best pizza of the entire trip. Pizza Margarita with Arugula lettuce, Buffalo Mozzarella, and Shredded Cured Pork.

Navid Nuur's "HIVEWISE". neon lights strung throughout tent poles.

Taiwan Collateral Event - The Heard and Unheard sound bar with various sound art from Taiwan.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Burano and Torchello

Photo from my new series "Illuminations" (series of three). Contact me if interested in purchasing the set. :P

Burano - Sweet lime green house.

Burano - Colorful houses.

Burano - Seagull just chillin'.

Burano - Houses with church in background.

Burano - I want a house this color.

Burano - Everyone needs a picture of some flowers.

Torcello - Gabe and Sophie would dig this place.

Torcello - Someone's orchard.

Torcello - I jumped up and down of this thing but it wouldn't break.

Torcello - Dirt road with vendors and Byzantine church.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Natioanl Pavilions

Josh teaching us art things.
Fish Market near Rialto.

Donatello sculpture. 

Collateral Event - Days of Yi video.

It's a happy lion.

Gold fish in a pond.

Collateral Event - Frog King painting.

Collateral Event - Frog King painted bra and mannequin.

Yes. I found the Office of the Communist Reform Party. 

Iraq National Pavilion - Adel Abiden's "Consumption of War" video.

Iraq National Pavilion - Halim al Karim's "Hidden Revolution" installation.

Bangladesh National Pavilion - Mahbubur Rahmen's "I was told to say these words..." installation.

Bangladesh National Pavilion - Kabir Ahmed MasumChisty's "Quandary 2011" animated video.

Chile National Pavilion - Reynier Leyva Novo's "Los Oroes de la Guerra". Cologne that smelled like the battles he was in. 

View across Arsenale.

Italian National Pavilion - Ferdinando Brachetti Peretti's "Hidden Soul".

Italian National Pavilion - Frederica Marangoni's "Escape" installation.

Italian Nation Pavilion - Luigi Boille's "Dittico-Zen" painting.

Exhibiting Artist - Katharina Fritsch's "Stilleben" sculpture.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

National Pavilions and Rowing Boats

Collateral Event "Obscurita" - Drawing by 

Sweet door handle. I need one of these for my house.

Georgia National Pavilion - Tamara Kvesitadze's piece with moving faces about world peace.

Collateral Event with Karla Black. Pile of sawdust and hanging paper work. Really awesome sensory stuff.

 Collateral Event with Karla Black. Soap with cellophane. Smelled amazing.

Collateral Event with Karla Black. Soap dust, sanitized dirt, and foam. 

Collateral Event with Karla Black. Giant soap sculptures.

Collateral Event with Karla Black. Giant soap sculpture.

Lots of rowing boats on the Grand Canal today

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Azerbaijan and Giardini Round 2

Azerbaijan National Pavilion - Aidan Salakhova Islamic woman sculpture

Azerbaijan National Pavilion - Aidan Salakhova Islamic woman sculpture 

Azerbaijan National Pavilion - Aidan Salakhova Islamic woman sculpture 

Azerbaijan National Pavilion - Khanlar Gasimov's "Recital Room"

Azerbaijan National Pavilion - Mikayil Abdurahmanov's "Interior"

French National Pavilion - Baby photo strip structure.

Australian National Pavilion - Hany Armanious' "Birth of Venus". Are you kidding me? Australia could have done a ton better.

Uruguay National Pavilion - Magela Ferroro's "A Name is A Trap". Nice to see fine art meeting visual communication.

Uruguay National Pavilion - Magela Ferroro's "A Name is A Trap". Nice to see fine art meeting visual communication. 

Serbia National Pavilion - Nazi bathtub. I wonder if you feel all fascist after bathing in it.

Romania National Pavilion - To sell out and go to the Biennale or not have your message heard? 

R. H. Quaytman. I keep coming back to these pieces so they must be good haha.

Ryan Gander's "We never had a lot of euros around here". 25 Euro coin? This little guy was glued to the floor in the middle of the Biennale.

Thailand National Pavilion - Navin's "They Love You Comrade Navin". I would join Navinland

Haitian National Pavilion - It was two shipping crates in the middle of the road with metal sculptures with skulls for heads. I guess they really are that poor...