Singapore Pavilion - "A Cloud Of Uncertainty". Interesting film about people searching for a divine power and the power presenting itself before them. These were the white bean bags you sit on to watch it.
Zimbabwe Pavilion - Artist Misheck Masamvu's painting. The face on this guy reminded me of some of the drawings that I do.
Anton Ginzburg - Photo from his film. I love the contrast of that red on the white snow and sky.
Anton Ginzburg - Statue and snow blind glasses. Inspired by his film with the moving red smoke.
Mai-Thu Perret - Silver model dressed in all black dress and faint triangle painted on wall behind. I think this lady was grieving of the death of someone close.
Nicholas Hlobo - Dragon sculpture made of tire inner tube plastic sewn together with ribbon and a horned skull for a head. I thought it was supposed be be frightening at first but I am pretty sure that it was a joyous feeling because someone had killed this beast.
Nicholas Hlobo - The skull head of the dragon sculpture.
Urs Fischer - Wax man that is on fire. He is a candle.
Urs Fischer - Wax sculpture that is also a candle.
Josh Smith - Printed pieces on cardboard. I thought it was sloppy at first but after reading that he was trying to capture Venice, it makes more sense because Venice is covered in all kinds of graffiti.
Saudi Arabia Pavilion - projection onto silver cube and egg shapes. One that you really have to see to understand.
India Pavilion - Wood block print. Simple but I like the writing symbol.
India Pavilion - painting of person with white outlines.
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