Saturday, June 11, 2011

Azerbaijan and Giardini Round 2

Azerbaijan National Pavilion - Aidan Salakhova Islamic woman sculpture

Azerbaijan National Pavilion - Aidan Salakhova Islamic woman sculpture 

Azerbaijan National Pavilion - Aidan Salakhova Islamic woman sculpture 

Azerbaijan National Pavilion - Khanlar Gasimov's "Recital Room"

Azerbaijan National Pavilion - Mikayil Abdurahmanov's "Interior"

French National Pavilion - Baby photo strip structure.

Australian National Pavilion - Hany Armanious' "Birth of Venus". Are you kidding me? Australia could have done a ton better.

Uruguay National Pavilion - Magela Ferroro's "A Name is A Trap". Nice to see fine art meeting visual communication.

Uruguay National Pavilion - Magela Ferroro's "A Name is A Trap". Nice to see fine art meeting visual communication. 

Serbia National Pavilion - Nazi bathtub. I wonder if you feel all fascist after bathing in it.

Romania National Pavilion - To sell out and go to the Biennale or not have your message heard? 

R. H. Quaytman. I keep coming back to these pieces so they must be good haha.

Ryan Gander's "We never had a lot of euros around here". 25 Euro coin? This little guy was glued to the floor in the middle of the Biennale.

Thailand National Pavilion - Navin's "They Love You Comrade Navin". I would join Navinland

Haitian National Pavilion - It was two shipping crates in the middle of the road with metal sculptures with skulls for heads. I guess they really are that poor...

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